Garden Ridge Prep. School
opened in May 1997 under the name Bright Horizon. The initial enrollment consisted of just three classrooms; infants/toddlers, two-year-olds, and three- to five-year-olds. Over the course of the following four years, Garden Ridge Prep. School saw a substantial amount of growth and expansion. In January 1998, a fourth classroom for infants six weeks to one year was added. In June 1998, a fifth classroom was added to accommodate a thriving community preschool program. On May 5, 2001, just 4 years after Garden Ridge Prep. School first opened its doors. The Center moved to its present location, a custom-built facility, with eight classrooms filled by children from six weeks up to 12 years of age.
Mission Statement
The Garden Ridge Prep. School
strives to provide a safe, developmentally
appropriate environment for preschool and school age children. Our
focus is to provide a stimulating early care and education experience
which promotes each child's social/emotional, physical and cognitive
development. Our goal is to support children's desire to be life-long
School Philosophy
At Garden Ridge Prep. School, we
believe that children gain a sense of security from knowledge that
there are consistent limits and that these limits are designed to
nurture them and protect them. We recognize that each child is an
individual. We provide an environment that promotes the complete
development of children preparing them to advance to a school age
education program.
Program Goals
We believe that good childcare depends
upon consistent caregiving in a home-like atmosphere. Children grow
and learn best in a safe environment that provides opportunities to
explore, create and communicate with other children and adults. These
groups function independently but cooperatively, following routines
appropriate to individual needs.
The program is designed to be inclusive
of all children, including those with identified disabilities and
special learning and developmental needs. The Center's program is
designed to include both planned and spontaneous activities in
response to children's interests. Experiences with music, movement,
art, language and building are incorporated into daily plans.
Regularly scheduled snacks and meals, rest time, indoor and outdoor
play, and routines in physical caregiving promotes the child's
health, comfort and ability to care for him/herself. There is maximum
flexibility for the children as a group and as individuals. Children
are encouraged to develop a positive self-image, to learn inner
controls and to cooperate with peers and caregivers.